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Simgo – Mobile Solutions Company Branding and Marketing Materials

Simgo is the world’s leading developer of virtual SIM (vSIM™) technology for cellular devices. Its patented, award-winning platform moves the provisioning of mobile services and SIM card management from the cellular devices to a cloud-based, centralized system with global reach. In doing so, Simgo empowers subscribers, operators, service providers and device manufacturers to easily and efficiently deploy large-scale, complex global cellular voice and data multi-operator mobile services.

Simgo’s branding is simple, but sharp, accurate and inspiring. This fresh, high-tech style is implemented in company’s stationary and website and then in numerous marketing materials: designed presentations, executive summaries, one-pagers, web and and printed advertisement.

As part of my work at Say – Brand Strategy & Expression
עיצוב כרטיסי ביקור ממותגים, מוצגים כעפים באוויר על רקע המותג בהדמיה | Branded business cards design, displayed as cards flying in the air against the brand's color background in this visualization

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